Friday, April 11, 2014

The Hug Mug and Ebay Blogs in Genersl, coll or Silly? Dunno, Dunno...

Marh 23, 2014

I am sort of amazed that people are writing thrifting blogs, chronicling their Ebay auctions, they way they ebb and flow. They share photos of auction (or BIN) items, tell where they got them, for how much, and what the profit is.  I do not understand this though I am very addicted to these thrifting blogs.  Like telling everyone about the town dump and all of its treasures, the market will become even more flooded with these blogs, right?

I have been selling extra DIABETES strips.  Glucose.  Expired and unexpired.  Super quick way to make a buck (or sometimes 30-60 bucks if you're selling lots of ‘em. Accu-chek has been my biggest seller thus far.

Weekly sales round up.  Necessary.  Photos needed.  Too lazy to edit or upload right now.  Pictures of my process, too.  Much needed.

Still looking for a big Hug Mug a la TRUE DETECTIVES and the world's hottest, coolest TV smokah!  

But really, it is silly to blog about this.  Why flood the market, right?   A better blog would be:  I have like two classes to complete my BULLSHIT teaching degree, yet… I would rather shoot speedballs al day (or at least romanticize the junkie life style in my head) than leave the house.  Thus, I thrift and kill myself to make 200 bucks per week on Ebay.  Super role model for my son.  In zero way is this any kind of an apology.  

Lone Star Beer, BIG HUG MUG, and the sexiest inhale I ever did see! I love you, Matthew M, and I love the idea of selling  a BOLO, BIG HUG MUG even more!  But first the fucking toasters.  And then more long forgotten seascape oils people seem to grove on.  Until then. xo

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